Mr. Clark's Physics Page


Test Coming

The next test will be on Nov. 20th. It will cover friction, vectors, forces on a ramp and projectile motion.
2012-11-12 20:24:43

Homework Extensions

A reminder. HW 5-2 is due this evening. HW 5-3 has been extended to Wednesday at midnight. Also, don't forget to start on HW 6-1 that is due on sunday.
2012-11-12 20:23:29

HW 6-1

New online homework that covers the topics of projectile motions as covered in class.
2012-11-10 20:17:05

HW 5-3

There will be a new homework online by the end of school today. This homework will deal with objects on ramps and their correlation to Newton's First and Second Laws.
2012-11-06 19:27:33

Inclined Plane Lab - Friday

In class, we completed a lab that dealt with accelerations of a cart moving down an inclined plane. If you were not in class, it is your responsibility to come in and complete the lab.
2012-11-06 19:26:26

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