Mr. Clark's Physics Page


Quiz on Thursday (18-Oct)

What is the rate the car on the ramp changes velocity?

(hint: complete graph of velocity v. time for the cart and analyze)
2012-10-16 16:28:09

Bridge Due Date

Bridges need to be completed before Tuesday, 25-September. No exceptions
2012-09-20 17:13:07

Tuesday, 11-Sept-2012

Finished bridge engineering presentation. Built virtual bridges under 200k.

No new homework was assigned.
2012-09-12 13:44:09

Friday, 07-Sept-12

Discussed bridge design and engineering. No new homework
2012-09-07 16:34:57

Tuesday, 05-Sept-12

Covered system behavior diagrams and force behavior diagrams. No new homework was assigned.
2012-09-05 22:52:40

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