Mr. Clark's Physics Page


Friday, 31-Aug-12

Learned about Newton's first law in terms of balanced forces and equilibrium. HW 2-2 was assigned and is due 09-Sept-12.
2012-08-31 16:59:35

Wednesday, 29-Aug-12

Classes were split. Talked about inertia. No new HW was assigned.
2012-08-31 16:54:21

Thursday, 23-Aug-12

An in-class activity was performed using vectors to map a route through the school. No homework was assigned.
2012-08-23 17:05:38

Tuesday, 8/21/2012

Disclosure document was handed out and needs to be electronically signed and there is also a short quiz about emergency evac procedures covered in class. If there are problems with you logging on the homework site, I need to know ASAP.
2012-08-21 23:05:30

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